Mimi Petrova

Mimi Petrova
Head of Communications & Membership Department

Tell us about yourself.

I have graduated from Technical University of Plovdiv, a branch of Sofia University with a degree in industrial management and marketing. I have worked for several years as a warehouse and store manager.

A few years ago I started working in graphic and video design and marketing for DiTech Media, IMG and D4Foundation.

What is your professional experience?

As a Head of Marketing & Public Relations Department professional with experience in Strategic Marketing I have responsibilities for internal and external public and relations that enhance employee engagement and create positive public impressions. I have helped multiple organisations reach their target goals and missions with leading transformational and strategic initiatives. I have proven work experience as a Public Relations (PR) Director, PR Manager and Expertise in different social networks, including Facebook and Twitter.

Why did you choose to be part of the Eurodea team?

Because it allows me to forward the mission, products, and services of associations I believe in. It’s a thrill to be able to use my word-crafting skills to generate great publicity for worthy causes!

Your advice to the members of the association:
Everything you do or say is public relations and the most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.

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